Different Types of Fire Pits: A Quick Overview

Different Types of Fire Pits: A Quick Overview

Is there any better way to relax in the evening than sitting beside a crackling, warm fire pit? We think not. The beauty of the dancing flames and warmth created from the fire beckons you and your guests to grab a drink, settle into a comfy seat, and put your feet up. We’ll discuss the different types of fire pits in a quick overview so that you can make the right decision when adding a fire pit to your outdoor oasis. Let’s get started.

Wood-Burning Fire Pit

Imagine a well-contained campfire in your backyard. That’s the best way to describe a wood-burning fire pit. Rather than creating the fire on the ground as you would when camping, you can use a wood-burning fire pit, which is usually made of steel and contains wood and fire.

You’ll enjoy the smell of real wood as it burns and the comforting crackling sound. However, you may not enjoy the necessity of keeping a supply of wood on hand and the mess of ashes a wood fire pit creates.

Gel Fuel Fire Pit

A gel fuel fire pit is a simple option because the fuel you burn in it remains in a small reservoir. All you need is a gas lighter to ignite it. When the gel burns out, so does the fire. Conveniently, there’s no smoke or mess. Gel fuel fire pits aren’t good sources of warmth but can easily sit in many yard areas. When the gel runs out, you need to refill or replace the reservoir.

Propane Fuel Fire Pit

Propane fuel fire pits are versatile and require propane tanks to use. When the fire depletes the propane, you must replace the tank. They’re often good heat sources and create impressive flames. The pits themselves can be quite large, with the flames shooting up through imitation wood, rocks, or glass.

Natural Gas Fire Pit

Natural gas fire pits are the most convenient because of their permanent connections to gas lines. There’s never a need to replace the fuel source, and they’re easy to light. Currently, out of all of the different types of fire pits, having a natural gas pit is a popular trend when creating backyard spaces. They give off excellent heat and leave no mess when using faux logs made of steel.

As you consider a fire pit to enhance your outdoor lifestyle, you should think about convenience, warmth, and style. A fire pit is an investment, and getting it right the first time will bring years of enjoyment.

At Colorado Custom Fire Pits, we specialize in fire pit sculpture, creating fire pits and steel logs so unique and beautiful, you’ll be amazed at the realistic look and magic of the warm flames they produce. Contact us or browse our online store to see our rare and elegant designs.

Keith D'Angelo